A Darkened World - Sacrilege, Blasphemy, and the Occult: Fr. Matthew Spencer, OSJ

Name of Location: 
Kilt Pub
Thursday, October 9, 2014 - 7:00pm

Don't miss this talk. We are very happy to welcome back one of our favorite speakers, Fr. Matthew Spencer, O.S.J.

The black mass recently held in Oklahoma City garnered attention around the nation and the world, yet it is only a single example of the many manifestations of evil we face in our times. Fr. Matthew will offer a reflection on spiritual dangers in our day, and more importantly how we can courageously respond to evil in truth and in love.

As always, anybody is welcomed to attend, Catholic or not. Free drinks. Thanks to Kilt Pub for offering us great deals on food. 

Veritas events at Kilt pub are usually standing room only, so it's a good idea to there a bit early for a seat. 

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