the old blog
A Happy and Blessed Feast of the Holy Cross! For many Eastern Catholics, today's feast marks the beginning of a new liturgical season, the season of the cross. The beautiful thing about the Cross is that there are so many things that can be said about it. However, today I wanted to turn your attention to the typology of the Cross in the Old Testament. Typology of course being the symbolic ways in which aspects of our faith foreshadow or... [ Read more ]
How often have you found yourself complaining about your coworker, neighbor, friend, or family member and have completely avoided lifting that up to God in prayer? I know I have and do. It seems especially easy to do with people removed from you, especially the clergy. "Oh if only bishop so and so was stronger on same-sex marriage. He's terrible." Or "So and so is lazy, and doesn't deserve what he has." Christ however... [ Read more ]
St. Matthew tells us that after Jesus heard that his cousin, John had been imprisoned, he set out from Galilee on his ministry. "From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17)
This simple message is the foundation of our life in Christ. Each fasting season we are called to remember our true aim in life: to be united in Christ, through the acquisition of the Holy... [ Read more ]
David Daleiden is killing the pro-life movement. You’re likely outraged at me just for saying it - which makes the point. There’s a great scene in “Batman Begins” when Bruce Wayne is on ice, sparring with his trainer, Ra’s Al Ghul. Wayne becomes furious at his opponent and goes for the jugular. With the sword to Al Ghul’s neck, Wayne seems to have won the fight. “Yield,” he... [ Read more ]
The Church in her love and wisdom exhorts us to prepare ourselves for the reception of the Holy Mysteries. We are told to come to confession, to seek it regularly, but without a concrete plan of action. Pastors will preach about frequent confession, and there are pamphlets and documents that speak of this, but what does this entail? Without supplanting the advice of a wise spiritual father (or mother), I would like to offer some thoughts to help... [ Read more ]